Sunday, 25 October 2015

Husk - J. Kent Messum


For a lucky few, death is merely an inconvenience. With the help of technology the mind can survive long after a body has been laid to rest. This afterlife, however, is far from paradise...


Rhodes is a 'Husk'. It's an illegal, controversial and highly lucrative job - renting out control of his body and mind to the highest bidder. It's a sure way to gain a better life, but some clients go too far. Sometimes, he wakes up with scars.


Then the visions start - terrible sights that haunt his waking hours. They could be dreams, or they could be something far worse - they just might be memories...

My Rating - 4 stars

Genre - dystopia

My thoughts - 
Wow! A rollercoaster of a book. Pulled in one direction then thrown in another, this book held my attention and strained my brain throughout.  Just the through of this story becoming reality is a horror in itself and it does make you wonder how far the human race will push to avoid death.

I was on the side of the main protagonist from the beginning I hoped for his happy ending. I thoroughly enjoyed the twists of the story but wonder how any individual could physically cope with so much violence.

Read : 4-31 August 2015

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